Our bodies require a daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly function. If one of these vitamins is deficient, it can result in serious health problems. Those who are unable to absorb an adequate amount of B12 due to dietary restrictions or health problems may need to get a natural supplement through a B12 injection which can bring on immediate health benefits.

B12 is required in the production of red blood cells which transport oxygen around your body, providing the fuel your cells need to produce energy. A loss of red blood cell production will create symptoms of low energy and inability to concentrate. A deficiency of B12 also may cause anemia. An anemic individual cannot effectively convert fats and proteins into energy. This leads to difficulty in losing weight despite regular exercise and a healthy diet. A lack of B12 also interferes with your ability to produce white blood cells. White blood cells are essential in fighting off infections, so you may find yourself getting sick more often or having allergies when previously you had none. Vitamin B12 is a major factor in tryptophan production. If your body doesn’t produce enough naturally, then it can be hard for you to achieve a good night’s sleep. It is also common for someone with a B12 deficiency to experience hair loss. Regular B12 injections restore your body’s ability to naturally grow hair again. It is recommended to receive a B12 injection every two weeks for optimal wellness until your deficiency is gone, and then receive an injection every month to maintain the health effects.

Add MIC to your B12 injection for a fat burning super booster! MIC contains Methionine, which assists in the breakdown of fat, Choline, which protects the liver from damage, Inositol, which helps proper nutrient transfer and supports nerve impulses, and Chromium Picolinate, which suppresses appetite and food cravings. MIC combined with B12 is proven to increase your body’s ability to lose weight and gain energy naturally, when injected weekly.