What Is Myers Cocktail IV?

Myers’ Cocktail IV therapy is a formula of intravenous vitamins and minerals that was pioneered by the late Dr. John Myers, MD. The “Cocktail” includes magnesium, calcium, B-vitamins, and Vitamin C and is given by IV infusion to achieve concentrations of nutrients that are not obtainable with oral administration. For certain clients, this treatment can be seen as a multivitamin administered directly into the bloodstream. If clients have difficulty digesting food or for another reason do not receive full benefit from taking vitamin pills, they may respond well to an IV nutritional therapy. For other patients, this therapy provides a targeted treatment for a variety of medical conditions. Myers’ Cocktail can be clinically effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasms, colds, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, chronic depression/anxiety and other disorders.