What Is Deep Resurfacing TRL?

For Deep Wrinkles. Contour TRL by Sciton is an ideal procedure to replenish your skin’s volume by removing the areas of damaged or wrinkled skin and jumpstarting collagen production. The new, healthy cells that are regenerated give your complexion a younger and more rejuvenated appearance. An increase in collagen results in thicker, more resilient skin with fewer deep wrinkles, creases, and fine lines.

With Contour TRL’s tunable laser, we tailor each procedure depending on the condition of your skin, your desired results, and the amount of downtime you can accommodate. It’s perfect for medium-to-deep wrinkles (even in difficult to treat areas like around the mouth and eyes), scars, uneven pigment, and overall tone and texture.

DOWNTIME: 1-2 weeks, depending on the depth of the peel. Since Contour TRL is always customized to the patient’s specific needs, consultation is required.

MAINTENANCE: Depending on the condition of your skin and your desired outcome, we can create a personalized plan for you that may include multiple treatments or a combination of procedures. Regardless of your treatment plan, you will see significant results from a single treatment.

What Is Contour TRL?

With Contour TRL deep resurfacing, we use precisely controlled energy from an erbium YAG (Er:YAG) laser to treat a variety of skin conditions. Sciton’s TRL laser energy is immediately and almost completely absorbed by the water in epidermal and dermal tissue, vaporizing the targeted area and but leaving the surrounding tissue intact. This results in a safer procedure with shorter healing.

Who Is An Ideal Candicate?

Deep resurfacing with Contour TRL is safe for all skin types, and is an excellent option for patients with medium-to-deep wrinkles, pigmented lesions, stretch marks, scars, and/or and other skin irregularities in the epidermis and dermis. Contour TRL is ideal for hard to treat areas like severe mouth and eye wrinkles.

What Happens During The Procedure?

We will walk you through everything during your consultation, including providing information on how to prepare for and how to treat your skin following your resurfacing. During the procedure we will apply numbing cream 30 minutes before the peel to reduce any discomfort. Patients receiving a deeper peel may opt for additional pain management. Throughout the procedure, we adjust the strength and depth (from 200 to 330 microns) so that your desired areas are targeted and surrounding areas left unaffected.

What Can I Expect After?

As skin is healing, you’ll notice significant improvement in tone and texture. Over the next 4-6 months, as collagen rebuilds, you’ll also see tighter, more resilient skin. Downtime is usually 8-12 days, depending on the depth of treatment and how your body tolerates the peel. Immediately following, it will feel like a bad sunburn, red and swollen. Over the next few days, skin may slough off and feel itchy. Redness may up persist for a couple weeks, but can be covered up with makeup. You must be vigilant to protect your skin from any sun exposure and apply sunscreen containing zinc oxide every day.

Do I Need More Than One Contour TRL Treatment?

It all depends on your skin condition and the results you’d like to achieve. You will see a marked improvement with a single treatment. During your consultation, we will create a treatment plan that works with your goals and can schedule out your appointments.

Can I Do Other Areas of My Body Other Then My Face?

Yes! We also treat neck, chest, and hands with excellent results.