Are you concerned about the effects of aging on your skin? Have you noticed that sunlight and other lifestyle factors are causing visible, unwanted changes? At SkinLab, we offer the revolutionary HALO Laser and BroadBand Light Combo Treatment that is the optimal solution for skin rejuvenation.

Combining BBL with Halo introduces a home run approach with minimal downtime.  BBL treats a wide variety of indications. This includes vascular lesions, acne, texture, hair, skin laxity, freckles and pigmented lesions producing immediate results. With a satisfaction rate greater than 95%, this treatment alone is requested by clients to attain a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Adding HALO to the already impressive results of BBL yields a significant improvement in texture, pore size, scars, sun damage, wrinkles and general brightening of client’s overall complexion. HALO is a hybrid laser that combines an ablative laser and non-ablative laser. While the ablative laser targets the top layers of your skin, the non-ablative laser treats the deeper layers of skin. Halo gives you continually fabulous results called the “Halo Glow.” With a satisfaction rate of more than 92%, you can expect real results. The combination of HALO and BBL is unbeatable.


At SkinLab, you are invited to relax in a luxurious setting. Treatments are most commonly performed on the face, but other treatment areas include the arms, hands, neck, chest and legs. There is minimal downtime after the treatment, but you will need to follow our skin care program after the treatment to ensure complete healing and the best results.

Depending on your goals, skin conditions, and treatment areas, our highly trained providers will customize each treatment specifically for your individual skin goals. Most people will start to see results a few days after the treatment. Treatment sessions usually last about an hour, and because HALO and BBL are so effective, you will usually only need one to two treatments to get the results you desire.

This combination treatment is best suited for patients who are looking for a comprehensive skin makeover. Book your skin care consultation with SkinLab today and get real rejuvenation tomorrow.

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